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ACE Seeds
Super Malawi Haze

Super Malawi Haze

élevé par ACE Seeds

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds, consultez L'Info Principale, Galerie, Dégustation, Journaux De Culture, Lignée / Généalogie, Hybrides / Croisés, Commentaires ou Discussions sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Super Malawi Haze est une variété mostly sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±95 jours) et l'extérieur. Graines de Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de ACE Seeds Super Malawi Haze

ACE Seeds Super Malawi Haze With Super Malawi Haze we continue to explore and expand the best possible genetic combinations between different prime quality Haze lines and the best parental plants of our powerful Malawi sativa.

Super Malawi Haze is a direct hybrid crossing a Nevil's Haze mother plant selected by Nevil himself in the late 80’s with our best Malawi Killer phenotypes. The result is an extremely vigorous and highly productive super-hybrid of practically pure sativa (90%) genetics, which produces huge and very resinous colas, with excellent density and great flower/leaf ratio, which come together forming enormous floral structures that reach monumental proportions.

The terpenes of the pure Haze A and C parents that make up Nevil's Haze are dominant in this hybrid: sweet and floral aromas of Central American sativa, incensed and woody aromas of classic Haze, with the resinous and fermented background of the Malawi to add depth.

While both Super Malawi Haze and Purple Haze x Malawi offer the most cerebral, energetic and least narcotic effects within the Haze/Malawi genotypes, Purple Haze x Malawi is a true F1 hybrid and therefore is much more uniform, producing a unique main phenotype, with much wilder and tropical behaviour, but with Super Malawi Haze, while still retaining that pure sativa personality, we have focused on producing a much more powerful, tamed and productive hybrid, more resinous, with higher THC and terpene levels, better adaptability to indoor cultivation and with a shorter flowering time than Purple Haze x Malawi. Although, because Super Malawi Haze is a polyhybrid, it is more variable, and we can find 3 main phenotypes, with the first two being the most frequent:

- Nevil's Haze Pheno: Very consistent phenotype and faithful to the best traits of tamed Haze and the ‘pumped with steroids' characteristic of the original Nevil's Haze mother: tall, super vigorous plants, with enormous yields, producing very dense and resinous flowers, of excellent flower to leaf ratio and a moderate/long flowering time. It is easy to recognise by its long reddish/orange pistils characteristic of Central American sativa, and by its unmistakable profile of sweet, floral and incensed old Haze terpenes. Flowering time: 85-90 days.

- Malawi Pheno: This more African phenotype is also easy to recognise as it matures with the distinctive golden/silverish appearance of Malawi. Its enormous vigour and astounding production of dense, resinous flowers with very little leaf are comparable to the Nevil's Haze pheno. Oily, resinous and woody aromas typical of the most evil Malawi Killer phenos. Flowering time: approximately 85 days.

Near-Pure Haze Pheno: This is the most variable and least frequent pheno (less than 10%), with a very tall and languid tropical sativa structure, less productive and resinous, and with a longer flowering than the two main phenotypes previously described. This pheno may be of great interest to those hunting for the most wild Haze expressions (almost like Oldtimer's Haze), as well as some very interesting genetic recombinations of near-pure Haze from Haze males A and C. Flowering time: 90-120 days.

With these new projects, our priority will be to try to raise the bar of Sativa Haze breeding, by crossing these old elite Dutch Haze clones with elite parentals of our most worked sativa varieties.

Sativa / Indica ratio 90 % sativa / 10 % indica
THC 23-28 %
CBD Below 0.15 %
CBG 0-1.5 %
Flowering indoors 11-16 weeks
Flowering outdoors November / Early December
Yield Very High
Resistance against spider mites Average
Resistance against powder mildew Average
Resistance against botrytis High
Resistance against white fly Average
Resistance against cold Average-High
Resistance against heat High
Latitude 0º-43º
Genetics Late 80's Nevil's Haze x Malawi Killer.
Structure Tall sativa, very vigorous and branched that requires space.

Bouquet Sweet and floral terpenes of Central American sativa, incensed and woody touches of pure Haze, with the resinous and fermented background of Malawi adding depth and density.
High Highly potent, cerebral, creative and energetic effect of great quality, duration and complexity, which motivates both physical activity and the deepest psychological introspection.

Terpene profile It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of beta pinene, followed by moderate quantities of alpha pinene, beta myrcene and limonene, small amounts of beta ocimene, linalool and traces of isopulegol, camphene, eucalyptol, terpinolene, gamma terpinene and delta 3 carene. Sesquiterpenes: high amounts of beta-caryophyllene and alpha-humelene, followed by moderate quantities of guaiol and traces of bisabolol, trans nerolidol and caryophyllene oxide.
Growing Tips Indoors, outstanding results can be achieved in terms of quality and production with a correct and abundant feeding and strong light intensity. A sativa hybrid that’s very well suited to SCROG culture due to its excellent branching and lateral production. We recommend 11 (light)/13 (darkness) photoperiod for the flowering indoors, in order to boost the flowering, and to avoid reflowerings or excessive stretching in early flowering, even reduce to 10/14 in the last third of flowering with the almost pure Haze phenotypes.

Outdoors it can be cultivated up to latitude 43º, showing very good resistance against botrytis, although it is in climates with a warm autumn where this sativa hybrid shows all its potential, especially in terms of production.

We recommend high levels of nutrients for the whole cycle.

Aucune description française bon jusqu'à maintenant!

Critiques sur Super Malawi Haze

Nous avons collecté les avis de 2 cultivateurs pour Super Malawi Haze, consultez les avis sur la culture intérieure et extérieure ici.

Impression Générale

Puissance / Effet durable
La Marihuana affecte très forte et de longue durée
Votes de nos utilisateurs
Super Malawi Haze obtenir 8.63 des 10 points possibles à la moyenne!

Connu des Phénotypes:

» nouveau » aucun jusqu'à présent (homogène??)

Plus d'info:

Cliquez ici pour voir le Profil d'Plante complètement!

Comment Super Malawi Haze cultive-t-il à l'extérieur?

Récolte d'extérieur
Fin de Novembre ± 1 Semaine
in CmHmα climates
Rendement / Quantité En plein air
La récolte de cette souche est super
Impression Générale En plein air
Super Malawi Haze est tous ensemble fou bon variété - absolument recommandable

...en savoir plus

Comment se développe Super Malawi Haze à l'intérieur?

Floraison d'intérieur
87 - 123 jours (±105 jours)
Rendement / Quantité Intérieur
La récolte de cette souche est haut
Impression Générale Intérieur
Super Malawi Haze est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable

...en savoir plus

Dégustation de Super Malawi Haze

Les utilisateurs de seedfinder ont testé Super Malawi Haze et ont téléchargé des informations sur les arômes ou les effets de Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds. Voici un bref aperçu, cliquez sur les graphiques à secteurs ou sur les liens pour obtenir une description exacte et trouver des variétés de cannabis similaires!

Arome / Fumet

~1% Mangue ~4% Nectar ~2% Abricotier ~2% fleur de oranger ~2% Tropique ~6% Abricot ~1% Poivre ~1% Thym ~1% Clou de girofle ~1% Diesel ~1% Goudron ~11% Fleurie ~11% Fruité ~3% Herbes ~15% Santal ~6% Bois de cèdre ~1% Pignon ~3% Chimique ~9% Sol ~14% Forêt ~1% Cuir ~30% Sucrée ~10% Aigre ~25% Épicé ~10% Amer ~25% Microbiologique

L'arôme / l'odeur de Super Malawi Haze peut être décrit comme équitablement Sucrée (un peu Fleurie ou Fruité), Épicé (Santal; un peu Bois de cèdre; un petit peu Herbes et aussi avec une touche de Pignon) ou Microbiologique (Forêt; un peu Sol et aussi avec une touche de Cuir) et de un petit peu Aigre ou Amer (un petit peu Chimique). more

Effet / Impact

~10% Aactivatrice ~11% Édifiante ~19% Insouciante ~15% Récréative ~4% Relaxante ~13% Pensive ~7% Méditative ~7% Attirant ~4% Quinaude ~8% Psychédélique ~-22% Paranoïa ~6% Apaisant ~3% Couch Lock ~1% Dormitive ~2% Narcotique ~2% Étourdissement ~10% Énergétique ~3% Apéritive ~-4% Analgésique ~77% Mental ~23% Physiquement

Super Malawi Haze a fondamentalement un effet très fort sur le Mental (équitablement Insouciante; un petit peu Récréative ou Pensive et aussi un soupçon de Attirant ou Méditative) mais affecte un peu également l'Physiquement (équitablement Énergétique ou Apaisant; un petit peu Analgésique ou Apéritive et aussi un soupçon de Étourdissement ou Dormitive). more

Galerie de Super Malawi Haze

Ici vous voyez les dernières photos de Super Malawi Haze, téléchargées de nos utilisateurs. Nous avons collecté au total 18 photos de la Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds - découvrez notre Galerie de Super Malawi Haze pour les voir toutes.

Discussions sur Super Malawi Haze

Vous trouverez ici des liens externes vers Super Malawi Haze conversations liées dans les différents forums de discussion sur la culture du cannabis:

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Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Super Malawi Haze

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Hybrides & Croisements avec Super Malawi Haze

Commentaires sur Super Malawi Haze

Ensemble, nous avons recueilli 2 commentaires d'utilisateurs à propos de Super Malawi Haze de ACE Seeds. Malheureusement, aucun de ces commentaires n'est en français! Ici nous vous montrons les commentaires en anglais:

- 21.01.2023

Connecté à une recension de Super Malawi Haze!

Super Malawi Haze (SMH) regular seed from ACE. Growing SMH side-by-side with Malawi gave me some good insights into both strains and allowed me to compare the effects of SMH with those of Malawi.

SMH is a cross of Malawi with a Nevil's Haze clone. Nevil's Haze is a NL#5 x Haze cross that was backcrossed with Haze, using Nevil's A and C Haze males. Genetically, SMH is 50% Malawi and 50% Nevil's. SMH is not a pure sativa like Malawi, but rather a poly-hybrid of approximately 90% sativa and 10% indica. SMH has a complex character, and in my opinion the effect of each parent can be distinctly felt in SMHs effects. As it turned out, my SMH plant was the Nevils Haze phenotype, with a strong cerebral effect alongside the Malawi effect.

This was an outdoor grow at 47N, which is quite a bit farther to the North than the breeder recommended for SMH outdoors. Fortunately, a heated greenhouse made it possible to let SMH flower and finish at 47N after November 1, when the temperatures dropped. Germinated in April, SMH was grown in 35L of soil having pH 6.3; water was from a nearby alpine lake. SMH was topped and super cropped, LSTd. Vigorous vegetative growth needed abundant NPK in veg and, in flowering, a 3-9-4 npk formula right up to the last week before harvest. In short, definitely a "hungry" strain that asks for full nutrient soil. SMH went into pre-flower later than many strains I've grown; sex-ID could not be confirmed visually until about September 1. SMH was very slow to ripen, so a lot of patience was required. However, patience paid off: SMH is a heavy producer of excellent weed, a tall plant, and at harvest her buds were covered with layer upon thick layer of resin -- see my photos here on seedfinder and on 420mag and elsewhere. I harvested SMH in several steps between November 17 and 24.

Smoke report. Super Malawi Haze has a very strong effect, and is the most powerful weed this grower has experienced in many years. Having consumed Malawi, I now recognise the unique head & facial buzz effect of Malawi, though of course this particular effect in SMH has only about 50% of the strength of the Malawi parent. Nevils Haze provides an equally strong effect -- a strong cerebral haze rush -- that complements the comparatively less-cerebral Malawi effect. In comparing SMH with Malawi, I concluded that the Malawi physical head buzz is present in SMH but is tempered, and also enhanced, by the energising and uplifting Nevils Haze rush. The result was a truly stunning head high, physical and also highly cerebral with an intense rush that slowly fades after several hours. A double-header, SMH has some of Malawis strong head-facial physical buzz along with the added soaring cerebral high of Nevils Haze. The SMH high is strong and psychedelic, heady, and lasts for hours, uplifting, stimulating, powerful -- I have not yet managed to finish a joint because I will put it down, bluntly, about halfway through, just overwhelmed with my mind soaring into new dimensions. Afterwards sleep is easy. Smoke is, after 2 months, smooth with floral and sandalwood flavours. SMH is truly great weed and I recommend it to any and all haze lovers. I would certainly grow SMH again.

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- 13.01.2023

Buzz Report:
Smoked, the full effect reaches you after 5-8 minutes.
Taste: most " hazy ".
Effect & Duration:
A contented - almost good-humored - mood sets in; one remains socially acceptable, can have a good time. Film-music-reading gets no special added value, slight concentration and attention disorders make productive work difficult.
About 45 minutes after consumption, the already not too strong high subsides, followed by a slight fatigue, which is over another 15-30 minutes later. If you want to maintain the state, you have to refill every 45-60 minutes.
CAUTION: If one is worried about something, a panic attack can easily occur after consumption.
The strength
I would rate as moderate: on a scale of 1 - 10 Super Malawi Haze would get a 3 from me.

No : for 100 - 130 flowering days the effect is simply too weak and too short. Given the energy costs at over 100 fd, it is much too expensive.

Deutsche Version Rauschbericht:
Geraucht erreicht einen die volle Wirkung nach 5-8 Minuten.
Geschmack: am meisten "hazig"
Wirkung & Dauer:
Eine zufriedene - fast gut gelaunte - Stimmung tritt ein; man bleibt sozial verträglich, kann sich gut unterhalten. Film-Musik-Lesen bekommt keinen besonderen Mehrwert, leichte Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen erschweren produktives Arbeiten.
ACHTUNG: Ist man wegen irgendwas besorgt kann es nach Konsum leicht zu einer Panikattacke kommen. Ca. 45 Minuten nach Konsum flaut das ohnehin nicht all zu starke High ab, es folgt eine leichte Müdigkeit, die weitere 15-30 Minuten später vorbei ist. Will man den Zustand also aufrechterhalten muss alle 45-60min nachgelegt werden.
Die Stärke
würde ich als mäßig bewerten: auf einer Skale von 1 - 10 bekäme Super Malawi Haze von mir eine 3.

Nein : für 100 - 130 BT ist die Wirkung einfach zu schwach und zu kurz. Angesichts der Energiekosten bei über 100 BT ist es viel zu teuer.

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