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South Bay Genetics
Williams Delight

Williams Delight

élevé par South Bay Genetics

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Williams Delight de South Bay Genetics. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Williams Delight de South Bay Genetics, consultez L'Info Principale ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Williams Delight est une variété mostly indica de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±60 jours), l'extérieur et en serre. Graines de Williams Delight de South Bay Genetics est une variété à dominante THC et ne sont pas disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de South Bay Genetics Williams Delight

Genetics: Williams Wonder F4 x ZaZa F2

Type: Indica-Dominant Hybrid


Williams Delight is an extraordinary indica-dominant hybrid strain that combines the robust Afghani genetics from its Williams Wonder mother with the powerful gas dominance of the ZaZa father. This meticulously crafted cross results in a cannabis strain that offers an enticing combination of stunning aesthetics, diverse flavors, and a deeply relaxing experience.


Williams Delight showcases a striking visual display of cannabis artistry. The flowers of this strain exhibit a mesmerizing array of colors, ranging from vivid greens to warm Purples and rich red hues. These captivating, multi-colored buds are generously coated with glistening trichomes, making them appear as if they were dusted with frost.


The aroma of Williams Delight is a fragrant symphony of diverse notes that tantalize the senses. A delightful mix of tropical fruit and citrus scents mingles with a potent gas undertone, creating a bouquet that's as complex as it is inviting. The sweet and sour fuel-like notes are a testament to the strain's intriguing lineage, offering an olfactory experience that is as enjoyable as it is memorable.


When it comes to flavor, Williams Delight continues to impress. The initial taste experience mirrors the complex aroma, offering a fusion of tropical fruit and citrus notes that dance on the palate. As the flavor unfolds, the sweet and sour fuel undertones become more pronounced, providing a delightful and harmonious blend that lingers, leaving a memorable impression.


Williams Delight delivers a potent and deeply relaxing high, thanks to its indica-dominant genetics. It is perfect for those seeking a tranquil and stress-reducing experience. The strain's effects may include an immediate sense of physical calm, accompanied by a euphoric mental state. This combination makes it an ideal choice for unwinding after a long day, relieving tension, and promoting a sense of peace and contentment.

Growing Information:

Cultivating Williams Delight can be a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced growers. The strain tends to produce robust plants with a moderate height, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. It thrives in a controlled environment, and with proper care and attention, growers can expect generous yields of these captivating, colorful buds. It's important to provide adequate support for the branches, as the flowers can become quite dense and heavy during the flowering phase.

Williams Delight is a testament to the art of cannabis breeding, offering a visually stunning appearance, a captivating aroma, and a deeply relaxing high. Whether you're seeking a sensory journey through a diverse flavor profile or a therapeutic escape from the stresses of everyday life, Williams Delight is sure to become a cherished favorite among cannabis enthusiasts.

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Williams Delight Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Williams Delight

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Recension de Variété

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