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Triangle Pupil

Triangle Pupil

élevé par MassMedicalStrains

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Triangle Pupil de MassMedicalStrains. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Triangle Pupil de MassMedicalStrains, consultez L'Info Principale, Galerie, Lignée / Généalogie ou Hybrides / Croisés sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Triangle Pupil est une variété mostly sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±63 jours), l'extérieur et en serre. Graines de Triangle Pupil de MassMedicalStrains est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de MassMedicalStrains Triangle Pupil

MassMedicalStrains Triangle Pupil For years I've dreamed of making this cross, and I finally was able to make it a reality! For those who know Triangle Kush, there's not much that compares to this original OG Kush strain and its intensity and potency. I've crossed it with my favorite strain of all time, the Star Pupil, and some really amazing plants came out.

My keeper pheno smells like a mix of candy pupil and mothballs/dmt, and has an absolutely incredible potent, long lasting high... 4-5 hours, 28% thc, visual effects especially nearly geometrical feeling periphery, super dreamy, soft focus high contrast, with the power to keep you up all night or put you to sleep and wake up still high at times... can have really potent feelings of nostalgia, and hours of belly laughs... dont go out in public on this one!

Plants have a 3x stretch and approx 9 weeks flower time. Does well with topping. Easy to clone. Extremely fragrant, potent, and frosty.

Here's a smoke report on a nice 8 week purple kush pheno. I've never typed in all lowercase before, but the strain made me do it, so I left it like that for authenticity of the experience, haha!

smooth thick expansive smoke which is strong and heavy but doesn’t make you cough.
very dense buds which expand to a lot when grinder is used. buds are completely purple on the inside. amazing frost and bag appeal.
fingers get the most amazing og kush smell on them
i’ve been calling this the purple kush pheno, and wellgrownseeds says this bud reminds him of purple kush he used to get in the 90s! flavor is a mix of star pupil funk and signature og kush, intense and memorable flavor you find in the best og kush plants that the west coast is known for. the smell the smoke leaves in the air is similar to that on your fingers after handling the bud, very kushy and rich

an instant calming effect is felt with a gentle glow on objects, a soft focus and deep relaxation on this pheno. colors become super vibrant, like the contrast and saturation are turned up. art and objects and people are intensely beautiful. reading something felt like someone had spoken it to me.

i find myself taking deeper, fuller breaths as soon as i have smoked this strain. it seems to have both a relaxing and centering effect on the entire body. in larger amounts, the deep breath effect goes away and you’ll frequently catch yourself forgetting to breathe, instead…

this phenotype is amazing for enhancing sexual experience, allowing you to slow down, tune in, and enjoy the nuances and detail of beauty and enhanced pleasure

overall i would classify this phenotype as a heady indica. it can be heavy and cozy, as well as positive and euphoric. it’s not a total sleepy knockout, rather, it makes life simply calm and relaxed to the extreme :)

music bounces off the ears in a nice way. some sounds send tingles through your face and body. super intense.

this strain is potent and just a couple hits goes a long way. in larger amounts there are random bursts of adrenaline for some reason which seem to accompany a “level up” feeling of the high getting ridiculously stronger. peripherals can sometimes pulsate or vibrate, and it can induce anxiety and cottonmouth, it’s pretty fun and intense. it can get overwhelming for short periods of the experience and take you for a ride. laugh it off and turn up the music. 25% thc on this pheno. some will likely test higher, and I'll keep you guys posted in the future.

if you like heavy bass music, it visually seems to bounce things with it a bit if you get real into it, or maybe my music is too loud.

star pupil also has what i call a "bass" feeling that it gives, which comes across beautifully in this cross too! it's like that deep intensity that turns life up a notch in intensity and flow :) kind of like how a song gets better when the bass starts, but just your own existence is that song.

the effects are fairly long lasting, a strong vibe for at least 2-3 hours typically, with a gentle and happy afterglow. no crash, rather energy levels kind of go back up after the cozy heaviness wears off.

there are also a range of other phenotypes to be found, with flavors such as an amazing candy pupil, strawberry, cereal with milk, sour, straight og kush expression, mothball mixed with pupil funk, and more. every plant is a winner in its own way, these seeds are a chance for you to find something special that vibes with you.

oh, and for some weird reason it made me type this entire thing with all lowercase. it’s that relaxing, i suppose.

pure peace. i am excited for you all to enjoy these!

Galerie de Triangle Pupil

Ici vous voyez les dernières photos de Triangle Pupil, téléchargées de nos utilisateurs. Nous avons collecté au total 16 photos de la Triangle Pupil de MassMedicalStrains - découvrez notre Galerie de Triangle Pupil pour les voir toutes.

Triangle Pupil Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Triangle Pupil

Voir à tous les parents de Triangle Pupil dans notre carte dynamique

Hybrides & Croisements avec Triangle Pupil

Silver Sword
Triangle Pupil x Koffee
Indigo Triangle
Triangle Pupil TK dom pheno x Indigo Child Bx1 frosty purple male #8

Carte des Descendants de Triangle Pupil

Si vous utilisez un grand écran et ne naviguez pas avec votre téléphone portable, consultez notre carte dynamique avec tous les hybrides de Triangle Pupil connus! (il faudra peut-être un peu de temps pour charger toutes les données!)

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