Base de données
Botafarm California


élevé par Botafarm California

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Rafale de Botafarm California. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Rafale de Botafarm California, consultez L'Info Principale ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Rafale est une variété indica/sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±63 jours), l'extérieur et en serre. Graines de Rafale de Botafarm California est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de Botafarm California Rafale

Botafarm California Rafale Rafale is an exceptional hybrid strain that combines the potent RS11 with the renowned Zkittlez, resulting in a cannabis experience that takes flight with its captivating qualities. This strain offers a delightful fusion of flavors, enticing aromas, and balanced effects that make it a true gem for cannabis enthusiasts.

The appearance of Rafale buds is visually appealing. They exhibit a dense and compact structure, showcasing a blend of vibrant green and deep purple hues. The flowers are often adorned with fiery orange pistils, creating a visually striking contrast. The generous coating of trichomes adds a frosty and resinous touch, further enhancing its overall appeal.

The aroma of Rafale is a sensory delight. It releases a captivating fragrance that blends sweet, fruity, and tropical notes. The scent profile exudes a delightful mix of berries, citrus, and a hint of tropical fruit, creating an enticing and invigorating experience for the olfactory senses.

When it comes to flavor, Rafale delivers a delightful treat for the taste buds. It offers a burst of sweet and fruity flavors that resemble a tropical fruit salad. The Zkittlez influence shines through, bringing a medley of fruit flavors, including berry, citrus, and hints of tropical goodness. The RS11 adds a touch of complexity, enhancing the flavor profile with subtle earthy and herbal undertones, creating a truly enjoyable and multi-dimensional taste experience.

The effects of Rafale are well-balanced and pleasurable. It typically starts with an uplifting and euphoric sensation, elevating mood and inducing a sense of happiness. This cerebral stimulation enhances focus and creativity, making it suitable for daytime use. As the high progresses, a gentle relaxation washes over the body, easing muscle tension and promoting a state of calm without causing excessive sedation.

Rafale has shown potential for various therapeutic uses. Its uplifting and mood-enhancing effects may provide relief for individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, and mood-related issues. Additionally, its relaxing properties may assist in managing mild to moderate pain and promoting a sense of tranquility.

Cultivating Rafale can be a rewarding experience for growers. It typically develops into medium-sized plants with a moderate flowering period. With proper care and attention, cultivators can expect solid yields of resinous and visually appealing buds that carry the essence of this remarkable strain.

In conclusion, Rafale takes cannabis enthusiasts on a delightful flight with its captivating flavors, enticing aromas, and balanced effects. From its striking appearance to its invigorating aroma, delectable flavor, and pleasurable effects, this hybrid strain soars above and beyond, offering an experience that is truly exceptional.

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Rafale Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Rafale

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Recension de Variété

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Valeurs Pharmaceutiques

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