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ThugPug Genetics
Peanut Butter Breath
Pic #04...72

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Peanut Butter Breath (ThugPug Genetics)

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ThugPug Genetics Peanut Butter Breath Photo Info

From Gelato seeds. Tried to switch to flower early - around 50 days, but still took til 60 days for flower. Definitely stretching the limits of my short tent (50” but working out nicely. Organic grow, with Buddha Bloom, had to add calcium, and like a rookie I overwatered at first, but was vigilant and controlled and stepped back watering to reach success. Looking forward to my first harvest and a bit nervous about drying and curing correctly. We shall see.

ThugPug Genetics Peanut Butter Breath

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Photo de Pete16 sur | CC BY-NC-SA