Base de données
Dr. Blaze


élevé par Dr. Blaze

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur G.M.O. de Dr. Blaze. Si vous recherchez des informations sur G.M.O. de Dr. Blaze, consultez L'Info Principale ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

G.M.O. est une variété mostly indica de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±63 jours) et l'extérieur. Graines de G.M.O. de Dr. Blaze est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de Dr. Blaze G.M.O.

Dr. Blaze G.M.O. Mostly Indica
Feminized 8 – 10 weeks

Origins of the G.M.O. Strain

Let’s step into the fascinating lineage of the G.M.O. strain, an extraordinary masterpiece resulting from the cross-pollination of Chemdog and Girl Scout Cookie (G.S.C.). This union combines the well-known potency of Chemdog and the balanced harmony of G.S.C., creating a strain that speaks to the connoisseur in all of us.

Chemdog, the donor strain, is famous for its intense aroma and potent high, owing to its high T.H.C. content. Its origins can be traced back to a series of fortunate events that began at a Grateful Dead concert in the ’90s. This influential lineage has given birth to other famous strains, such as OG Kush and Sour Diesel.

On the other hand, the mother strain, Girl Scout Cookie, brings the richness of Durban Poison and OG Kush’s heritage. Over the years, G.S.C. has won numerous Cannabis Cup awards for its outstanding attributes, including its sweet and earthy aroma, full-bodied flavor, and well-rounded effects.

This symphony of two powerhouse strains has given birth to the G.M.O. strain – a unique blend offering the best of both worlds while forming an identity of its own. The robust genetics of this strain makes it an intriguing prospect for any cannabis enthusiast and a fascinating subject for those interested in cannabis breeding.

Terpene Profile and Aromas of the G.M.O. Strain

The G.M.O. strain boasts an impressive terpene profile that leaves a lasting impression on its consumer. The dominant terpenes, namely caryophyllene, limonene, and myrcene, are expertly balanced to create a unique sensory experience.

Caryophyllene, known for its spicy pepper-like aroma, is the only terpene that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, contributing to G.M.O.’s potential therapeutic benefits. Next, we have limonene, responsible for the strain’s citrusy undertones, reminiscent of a warm summer day spent among lemon groves. Finally, myrcene, known for its earthy notes and calming effects, rounds off this complex terpene profile.

When you handle the buds, you are immediately struck by the intense aroma, a tribute to Chemdog’s influence. However, this intensity is tempered beautifully with the sweet, spicy notes drawn from G.S.C., creating an olfactory experience that can transport you to a bustling spice market in an exotic location. Each whiff teases and invites you as the scent fills your surroundings, promising an equally mesmerizing flavor profile.

Experiencing the G.M.O. Strain

Lighting up the G.M.O. strain is like embarking on a journey of flavors. The initial impact is solid and profound – an intense, almost diesel-like hit that harks back to its Chemdog parent. But as the smoke lingers on your palate, the flavor profile unfolds, revealing a more elegant medley of sensations.

You first notice the sweetness, a gentle wave that washes over the initial pungency. This sweetness, reminiscent of freshly baked pastries, perfectly complements the intensity of the diesel notes. A subtle hint of spice follows this, adding an exciting twist to the experience. This layered tasting journey is akin to savoring a well-prepared meal, where each bite reveals a new facet of its complex flavor composition.

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G.M.O. Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de G.M.O.

Voir à tous les parents de G.M.O. dans notre carte dynamique

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