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Apricot Auto

Apricot Auto

élevé par Fast Buds Company

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Informations de l'éleveur

Apricot Auto est une variété à floraison automatique ruderalis/indica de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur et l'extérieur, où les plantes femelles à autofloraison ont besoin ±67 jours du semis à la récolte. Graines de Apricot Auto de FastBuds est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de FastBuds Apricot Auto

Fast Buds Company Apricot Auto Apricot Auto has proven to be a true representation of what modern autoflowers are. With yields reaching 550 g/m2 in 9-10 weeks and up to 26% THC, this Indica-dominant variety offers one the most unique terpene profile you’ll ever experience. As its name suggests, this variety offers a delicious aroma of fresh ripe apricot that tastes just like it smells. Expect a sweet and sour background with subtle hints of woody and citrusy terps and a powerful apricot marmalade-like aroma that packs a hard-hitting narcotic Indica effect. Apricot Auto’s effects will almost immediately boost your mood with a full-on stoney sensation from head to toe. You’ll experience a peaceful head high that pushes out any negative thoughts and replaces them with pure happiness; As the effect sets in and gets stronger and stronger, the corporal relaxation turns into a deeply narcotic couch-lock high that will glue you to the couch unable to move anytime soon.
Bud Description

Apricot Auto produces extremely dense and compact medium-sized buds boasting all kinds of pink and purple hues; The brownish-orange hairs complement the colors beautifully, and the silvery-white layer of resin makes it look like the flowers were dusted with kief, giving them an irresistible appearance. Breaking the buds open reveals a predominantly fruity apricot aroma wrapped in sweet yet subtle hints of sour, citrus, and woody terps that intensify as the nugs burn. Smoke Reports

This Indica-dominant autoflower will lift your mood and put you in a peaceful state of mind where no bad vibes are allowed before a powerful sedative high takes over your whole body. Thanks to the 26% THC, Apricot Auto’s powerful effect starts with a strong stimulating mood-boosting high that takes all worries away and fills your mind with happy thoughts as the deeply relaxing body stone spread throughout your whole body, leaving you fully sedated on the nearest couch or bed, munching on your favorite snacks. This is a powerful Indica variety that will truly help you relax and go to sleep, making it a great choice for those suffering from muscle pain, insomnia, appetite loss, and chronic stress. Plant Appearance

Apricot Auto is fairly easy to grow and will show its full potential without extra effort. Expect a relatively compact plant with a main cola reaching up to 120cm and several thick and sturdy side branches that grow to almost the same height. Thanks to its Indica heritage, this strain develops a short internodal spacing with multiple flowering sites where the beautiful buds boast pinkish and purplish hues which contrast beautifully with the medium-sized fan leaves that fade into a beautiful neon green by harvest time.

Grow Tips

Due to its Indica heritage, Apricot Auto tends to grow busy so make sure to defoliate or perform LST to space out the branches, this way you improve airflow between the buds and prevent mold while also allowing light to the lower branches. To really make its flavors and colors stand out, be sure to flush thoroughly during the last few weeks before harvest, this will not only enhance the delicious aromas and tastes but also will help the fan leaves fade into a beautiful lime green color by harvest time. Have your trim bucket ready as the copious amounts of resin on the sugar leaves will make for the most delicious hashish! Flavor

Apricot Auto offers a refreshing blend of sweet, tangy, and sour terps that will leave a delicious fruity breeze in the air. On the inhale, expect a super sweet apricot flavor mixed with citrus and subtle hints of fruity terps that taste like a weed-infused tropical fruit punch. And as you exhale, the sweet and sour flavors open up, revealing more tangy, woody, and almost chemical-like tastes that are extremely refreshing and add to the overall apricot jam flavor this variety offers.

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