Base de données
Mr. Nice

Mr Nice Seedbank

Mr Nice Seedbank @ Base de données des éleveurs

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur l'éleveur de cannabis Mr Nice Seedbank. Nous avons collecté des informations sur 45 Variétés de Cannabis de race par Mr Nice Seedbank (12 de ces variétés ont été évaluées par les utilisateurs de SeedFinder, avec une note moyenne de 7.02 sur 10) Cliquez sur les noms pour trouver plus d'informations, photos, critiques, comparaisons et sources pour une variété - et / ou consultez les Informations sur les Éleveurs ici sur la page pour en savoir plus sur Mr Nice Seedbank. Il est également possible de visualiser toutes les variétés de Mr Nice Seedbank avec tous leurs parents ou hybrides avec nos cartes dynamiques - jetez-y un coup d'oeil!

More info about this breeder:

The Mr Nice Seed Bank is owned by Shantibaba, and incorporates the talents of another equally experienced breeder of exceptionally high quality, and operates with the collaboration of Howard Marks. These three individuals command a huge wealth of experience in producing cannabis strains. They have produced a large amount of the winning strains of cannabis since 1990, including such legendary strains as Northern Lights No. 5, NL5 x Haze, Super Silver Haze, White Widow, White Rhino, and White Shark.
The Mr Nice Seed Bank was formed for the purpose of spreading these most favoured cannabis strains. Genetic biodiversity is first put into the breeds that are the most favoured choices of those involved. The widespread dissemination of these seeds helps to ensure that none of these strains are ever lost.
The Mr Nice Seed Bank's facilities are entirely indoors and housed within pollen-proofed rooms in order to totally control the breeding factors. Indoor breeding by no means implies that the resulting seed is limited to indoor growth. All Mr Nice seeds could be grown indoors or out.
The Mr Nice Seed Bank have created 12 new seed names although their seeds have been established for some years under other names. This is to avoid any infringement of other seed companies names!! Each strain lists its AKA (also known as) on the page.
The Mr Nice Seed Bank differs
from many other seed companies by producing all their seeds in their own research and development laboratories. They are set up for fully controlled breeding facilities.