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Exotic Genetix


élevé par Exotic Genetix

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Strawneapple de Exotic Genetix. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Strawneapple de Exotic Genetix, consultez L'Info Principale ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Strawneapple est une variété indica/sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±63 jours) et l'extérieur. Graines de Strawneapple de Exotic Genetix est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de Exotic Genetix Strawneapple

Exotic Genetix Strawneapple Prepare to get carried away on a wave of fruity ecstasy with Exotic Genetix – Strawneapple. This scintillating cannabis strain combines the robustness of Purple Pineapple and the piquancy of Gary Poppins. The resultant mixture gives you an exotic strain that tingles your taste buds and soothes your senses.

Origins of the Strain

Strawneapple’s lineage is a juicy blend of two illustrious cannabis strains – Purple Pineapple and Gary Poppins. Purple Pineapple is adored for its intense fruity flavor, reminiscent of a ripe pineapple under the summer sun. Gary Poppins, on the other hand, is valued for its robust earthy notes, a counterpoint to the sweetness of Purple Pineapple. These two strains intermingle to create Strawneapple, a strain that tantalizes with its fruity sweetness and intrigues with its subtle earthy undertones.

Terpene Profile and Aromas

Strawneapple is a symphony of flavors, a delicate balance between the tangy sweetness of Purple Pineapple and the depth of Gary Poppins. Its terpene profile is a delightful fruity burst, an indulgence of pineapple notes softened by the grounding earthiness of Gary Poppins. It’s an olfactory journey that takes you through tropical fruitiness to the warm depth of earthiness.

Imagine biting into a fresh, juicy pineapple. Now, imagine grounding that burst of sweetness with a subtle, earthy richness. That’s what you get with Strawneapple – an exploration of flavors that’s as exciting as it is satisfying.

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious beginner, Strawneapple offers a flavor profile that’s sure to captivate. Dive into its tropical sweetness, linger in its earthy depth, and come out with a renewed appreciation for the incredible world of cannabis strains.

Exotic Genetix and Cadillac Mike: A Comprehensive Look at a Legendary Partnership

As an authority in the world of cannabis cultivation, has had the privilege to collaborate with many notable figures and companies in the industry. Among the most celebrated is Exotic Genetix, a globally recognized seed bank, and the enigmatic Cadillac Mike, a seasoned cultivator and cannabis advocate. For eight years, we at have been the proud vendor for Exotic Genetix, offering their outstanding cannabis genetics to our discerning customers.

Exotic Genetix: The Art of Exceptional Cannabis Breeding

Exotic Genetix is a Washington-based seed bank that has been crafting top-notch cannabis strains since 2008. Their philosophy is to exceed the status quo of cannabis breeding by creating unique, award-winning strains that redefine excellence.

Exotic Genetix is the artist behind many iconic strains such as Grease Monkey, Kimbo Kush, and Mint Chocolate Chip. Their commitment to quality and passion for innovation have garnered them countless awards. The seed bank’s accolades include over a dozen High Times Cannabis Cup awards, making them one of the most decorated seed banks in the industry.

Cadillac Mike: The Veteran Behind the Seeds

No examination of Exotic Genetix would be complete without a nod to Cadillac Mike, the cannabis enthusiast and advocate, who has played an instrumental role in its success. With a career spanning over 20 years, Cadillac Mike is no stranger to the cannabis industry.

His passion for cannabis cultivation and his commitment to bringing the best genetics to growers worldwide has earned him a place of respect within the industry. His vast knowledge and discerning palate for quality strains have played a pivotal role in the selection and breeding of Exotic Genetix’s award-winning lineup.

Cadillac Mike’s dedication to Exotic Genetix has been instrumental in developing a partnership with, forming a synergistic relationship that ensures customers have access to Exotic Genetix’s premium strains.

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Strawneapple Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Strawneapple

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Recension de Variété

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