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Original Auto White Widow

Original Auto White Widow

élevé par Fast Buds Company

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Original Auto White Widow de Fast Buds Company. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Original Auto White Widow de Fast Buds Company, consultez L'Info Principale, Journaux De Culture ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Original Auto White Widow est une variété à floraison automatique ruderalis/indica/sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur et l'extérieur, où les plantes femelles à autofloraison ont besoin ±63 jours du semis à la récolte. Graines de Original Auto White Widow de FastBuds est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de FastBuds Original Auto White Widow

Genes: Indica / Sativa
Genetics: White Widow Autoflowering
Flowering: 9 weeks
Harvest: 400-500gr/m2
Height: 70-110 cm
THC: Up to 20%
CBD: Very Low
Autoflowering: Yes

She is an old school legend, multiple world champion with an insane resin profile earning her the name. One of the original strains from the 1980’s that still ranks as an excellent choice for beginner growers and those who want the very best old school in autoflowering form.

A fast growing strain and superbly reliable, that will be done as quickly as 9 weeks from seed to harvest, making her the perfect candidate for growers who want a quick turnaround time. She will produce incredible results outdoors and can withstand hot and cold weather with ease. Her flavors are a mix of spicy, earthy and floral tones and her effects are relaxing and great for social scenarios. Hash makers and extractors will go wild for Original Auto White Widow ,as she is a trichome machine that will cake buds in resin and cover fan leaves with resin rails.

Bud description
The first thing that stands out from Original Auto White Widows’s buds, is the prolific resin content. Covered in trichomes from top to bottom, with a dark green hue and maroon brown pistils. The buds are light in weight, however have a large size meaning the flowers off this strain go a long way.

Smoke report
Thanks to her 20% THC, the effects are uplifting, clear minded with an exciting buzz. She will fire the mind up and get all systems going, making her perfect for keeping organised and busy, keeping sharp and alert, and working through a to-do list. Her high is not too racy and will transcend into a relaxing state the more you smoke.

Plant Appearance
Original White Widow Auto will grow with even spacing between internodes and will produce one main cola. Her side branches will grow out and tall as she fills with silver coated, large sized nugs in 9 weeks where she has the capability to yield 400-500gr/m2. Her leaf structure will be thin and long and she will not stretch too much once flowering begins, where she will mature to a size ranging from 70cm-110cm. She can also take on pink and magenta hues as she gets close to her harvest date, revealing her true beauty even further.

Grow Tips
A really easy to trim strain that is well known for its extreme resin profile. When trimming your plants, we advise you to collect all the leaf material to make hash or extracts with.

She also performs incredibly well when grown in a Sea of Green and will not grow too tall.

We recommend planting this hybrid outdoors until late in the year, as she can take colder and wet climates with ease, and during the hot summer months will really showcase her yield capabilities. Highly recommended to beginner growers new to autoflowering genetics that need a sturdy reliable strain that can be left to grow, with very little maintenance.

A flavor that can be described as musky, spicy, earthy and sweet. Smoking will reveal a bold taste of savory spices and dried fruits combined with earthy undertones. A particular taste that the old school generation will love.

Aucune description française bon jusqu'à maintenant!

Critiques sur Original Auto White Widow

Nous avons collecté les avis de un cultivateur pour Original Auto White Widow.

Impression Générale à L'Intérieur

Impression Générale Intérieur
Original Auto White Widow est tous ensemble fou bon variété - absolument recommandable
Puissance / Effet durable
La Marihuana affecte forte et de longue durée
Votes de nos utilisateurs
Original Auto White Widow obtenir 9.00 des 10 points possibles à la moyenne!

Connu des Phénotypes:

» nouveau » aucun jusqu'à présent (homogène??)

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Original Auto White Widow Lignée / Génétique

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Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Original Auto White Widow

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