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Laos Landrace

Laos Landrace

élevé par MassMedicalStrains

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Laos Landrace de MassMedicalStrains. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Laos Landrace de MassMedicalStrains, consultez L'Info Principale, Galerie, Lignée / Généalogie ou Hybrides / Croisés sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Laos Landrace est une variété sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±91 jours) et l'extérieur. Graines de Laos Landrace de MassMedicalStrains est une variété à dominante THC et ne sont pas disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de MassMedicalStrains Laos Landrace

MassMedicalStrains Laos Landrace Mass Medical Strains is excited to offer our latest landrace strain, the Laos Landrace from Muang Sing, Highlands, 19 degrees north latitude. This landrace was originally collected by the legend himself, Bodhi Seeds, on a strain hunting expedition in Laos near the China border in a remote location. The seeds were then grown and made more by Khalifa Genetics. I got these seeds from Khalifa Genetics and did an open pollination of just over 30 beautiful plants to preserve the genetic diversity in the strain. Multiple females and males were used and our release is of a mix of these seeds, similar to what you would get collecting them in their wild habitat. This strain produces very large seeds! This variety is originally cultivated by the Akha tribe in highland Laos.

This genuinely pure sativa has absolutely no indica influence, which cannot be said about most typical plants these days! It offers a very unique experience which makes this strain worth growing even with its longer flower time of 13 weeks. A plus side to this flower time is the reduced veg time needed, because they do so much growth in flower, it is possible to sprout them directly in your flower room of 11/13 lighting, and they will begin to flower around 3 weeks in and stretch to approx 5 feet tall without being topped. You can use topping and training to create a smaller plant to fit nearly any grow style. This strain seems to prefer lower light levels than many sativa plants do! This may be because of the frequently overcast weather in the region it comes from. Buds seem to flower “forever” with the inside, lower, and earlier buds ripening first, with tips always showing new flowering. I’ve tested various parts of the plant and determined that after approx 13 weeks of flowering, is the best time to harvest and the inner ripened flower tests much higher than the new green tips that continue emerging. The strain is a light feeder and is very easy to grow multiple plants per pot in a water-only organic supersoil in a 3 gallon fabric pot! Flowers turn purple as they ripen.

The smoke from this strain is one of the best pure sativa’s I’ve tried yet, with a really positive high full of laughter and zero anxiety! The resin is of very high quality, and high terpene intensity, which makes it stand out among many landrace populations. I get notes of incense, spices, meat, metal, woody, with some distant hints of berry vanilla and some say chocolate. The taste is a mix of early 2000s computer terps and campfire, in a smooth good way. The high comes on fast yet enjoyable, with absolutely zero body effect, this is 100% head which makes it feel significantly different than most cannabis these days. There is a crisp effect to your vision, and some notable audio distortions where it sounds like things are echoing or trailing off in a weird way, which causes addition laughter. You might look like a crazy person but you’ll be happy, grounded, creative, calm yet energized! This sativa is truly medicinal, and anti-anxiety of the highest oder with no heaviness! It's thc levels of 10% shouldn't fool you, this stuff still gets you high! The presence of THCV is also noteworthy in its effects. Possibly my new favorite pure landrace smoke!

I encourage people to make more seeds to preserve this special landrace. It’s foxtaily buds are super sticky, strong smelling, and potent in a very unique way. It also makes an amazing hybridization tool, adding thcv into crosses and lots of interesting sativa dominance to whatever you cross it with. Much respect to Khalifa Genetics and Bodhi Seeds for these special genetics.

Type: Sativa
Flowering Time: 13 weeks
THC: 10%
THCV 1.5%

Aucune description française bon jusqu'à maintenant!

Galerie de Laos Landrace

Ici vous voyez les dernières photos de Laos Landrace, téléchargées de nos utilisateurs. Nous avons collecté au total 1 photos de la Laos Landrace de MassMedicalStrains - découvrez notre Galerie de Laos Landrace pour les voir toutes.

Laos Landrace Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Laos Landrace

Voir à tous les parents de Laos Landrace dans notre carte dynamique

Hybrides & Croisements avec Laos Landrace

Brain Surfing
Axle Grease x Laos Landrace
Chem 91 x Laos
Chem 91 x Laos Landrace
Dalat x Laos
Dalat x Laos Landrace
God of Laos
God Bud x Laos Landrace
Platinum Laos
Platinum Punch x Laos Landrace
Triangle Laos
Triangle Kush x Laos Landrace

Carte des Descendants de Laos Landrace

Si vous utilisez un grand écran et ne naviguez pas avec votre téléphone portable, consultez notre carte dynamique avec tous les hybrides de Laos Landrace connus! (il faudra peut-être un peu de temps pour charger toutes les données!)

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Recension de Variété

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