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Seeds of Africa
Zamal Reunion

Zamal Reunion

élevé par Seeds of Africa

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Zamal Reunion de Seeds of Africa. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Zamal Reunion de Seeds of Africa, consultez L'Info Principale, Journaux De Culture, Lignée / Généalogie ou Commentaires sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Zamal Reunion est une variété sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur (où les plantes femelles auront besoin d'une période de floraison de ±91 jours) et l'extérieur. Graines de Zamal Reunion de Seeds of Africa est une variété à dominante THC et ne sont pas disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de Seeds of Africa Zamal Reunion

Seeds of Africa Zamal Reunion Reunion Island is a tiny, remote island, East of Madagascar that boasts anextremely active volcano and large mountain on which Zamal is harvested. Around the middle altitude of this mountain, at the edge of large forested areas, the Zamal reach out, overlooking long white beaches and the crystal clear waters of the reef. The volcanic soil on the island is very fertile, perfect for the Zamal to thrive in abundance and the whereabouts of the purest varieties is a closely guarded secret by the islands oldest growers.

The island has a tropical climate but is moderated by altitude and is home to many insects and birds with the biggest land animal on the island being the Panther Chameleon- an impressively colourful reptile when it wants to be. The reef is home to conger eels, parrot fish, sea turtles and dolphins as well as a large variety of sharks that pose such a threat to humans that there is a ban on entering the waters off more than half the coast. Reunion Island is a melting pot of modern day cultures and nationalities and the plant is cured and consumed the way most modern civilisations do today.

Zamal expresses some of the most impressive Sativa traits known to man and grows with incredible vigour. It is very bushy with extreme branching, highly populated with clusters of colossal size, orange coloured buds that are aflame with red hairs. A fairly long flowering strain, like many African Sativas and preferring outdoor to indoor, it is well worth the wait as it induces a superb, electric high that is slightly unnerving the first time you try it. It has a leafy/earthy, hash smell and a strong woody/spice taste overall but this is uniquely adaptable based on its surroundings. It is said that Zamal has been known to take characteristics from its surrounding habitat and present these in its terpenes. Zamal found among lemon trees can take on lemony characteristics and the same has been said of the plant growing close to mango trees.

It is also told by the islands Keepers that it displays distinct regenerative capabilities- perpetual growth that is not displayed as commonly or successfully in other cannabis lineage making this a very special landrace Sativa indeed.

Aucune description française bon jusqu'à maintenant!

Critiques sur Zamal Reunion

Nous avons collecté les avis de 2 cultivateurs pour Zamal Reunion.

Impression Générale à L'Extérieur

Récolte d'extérieur
Fin de Octobre ± 2 Semaines
in BxlShβ climates
Rendement / Quantité En plein air
La récolte de cette souche est fou et absolument top
Impression Générale En plein air
Zamal Reunion est tous ensemble fou bon variété - absolument recommandable
Puissance / Effet durable
La Marihuana affecte très forte et de longue durée
Votes de nos utilisateurs
Zamal Reunion obtenir 9.67 des 10 points possibles à la moyenne!

Connu des Phénotypes:

» nouveau » aucun jusqu'à présent (homogène??)

Plus d'info:

Cliquez ici pour voir le Profil d'Plante complètement!

Zamal Reunion Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Zamal Reunion

Voir à tous les parents de Zamal Reunion dans notre carte dynamique

Commentaires sur Zamal Reunion

Ensemble, nous avons recueilli 2 commentaires d'utilisateurs à propos de Zamal Reunion de Seeds of Africa. Malheureusement, aucun de ces commentaires n'est en français! Ici nous vous montrons les commentaires en anglais:

- 26.02.2015

Connecté à une recension de Zamal Reunion!

This is the pot from which to judge all sativas. Purist of the pure head high. It's a bit unsettling for some at first. If you're a midnight toker ... this pot will not let you rest and you'll be thinking about "all things" until the morning.

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- 16.09.2014

Connecté à une recension de Zamal Reunion!

Pushing up 20 foot plants was something I'd only dreamed about until this specific Zamal of La Reunion Island. Maintaining a seed-bank of Zamal. Breeding with Malawi (another landrace with earlier flower in September and incredible feathery thin leaves)for next seasons "Zamalawi". Timeline: Male (early August), Female (mid August) and Finish (late October).

Landrace Geo: [BxlHm ±] Subtropic, megatherm and humid climates (maritime)

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