Base de données
Dutch Passion
Passion #1
à l'extérieur
par l'utilisateur

Passion #1 (Dutch Passion) :: Recension de la Variété :: Outdoor :: No.17551366776472817 by Prager

Profil d'Plante Passion #1 (de Dutch Passion)

Cette Profil d'Plante est une expression individuelle par , transféré à la 01.10.2018.

Informations sur la croissance des plantes:

La météo dans la région:

Cannabis plantes dans cette zone peuvent être cultivées de Mai à Septembre. Les plantes commencent à fleurir autour de Juillet lorsque les jours deviennent lentement plus courte.

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp. froid froid froid froid chaud chaud chaud chaud chaud froid froid froid
Précip. humid humid humid arid arid arid arid arid arid arid humid humid
Ensoleillement 8.7 10.1 11.9 13.9 15.5 16.3 15.8 14.3 12.4 10.5 8.9 8.2
Phase x x x x grow grow bloom bloom bloom x x x
Récolte d'extérieur
Début de Octobre +/- 1 Semaine dans les climats CmSaα à l'hémisphère nord.
Zones climatiques selon la classification de SeedFinder avec les données de 1986 à 2009.
Comportement de croissance
Comme un arbre de Noël
De pousses latérales
très nombreux; longueur moyenne à longue ainsi que forte et vigoureuse.
Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...sont tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation. sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques. sont pas sensibles à la moisissure.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Indica.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants. devraient pas être fortement taillé.

De récolte, Rendement, Le goût, L'arôme, force et l'efficacité

Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette souche est légèrement plus de la moyenne.
Le ratio de fleurs aux feuilles est très bon.
La structure des fleurs
Les fleurs séchées sont moyenne compacte.

Impression Générale

Passion #1 (Dutch Passion)

est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 points sur une échelle entre 0 et 10 !)

Information Additionnelle

Prager estime

Garden Grow 2018

Seed planted in late April 2017. Three weeks from germination, the plant had 5 nodes and grew vigorously. The leaves were broad, bulky indica type. One month after germination, I replanted her into a larger container. Six weeks after germination, the plant was mainlined at the third node and recovered soon, continuing her vigorous growth. Both branches had 4 nodes each. The main stem split up slightly so I used soft wire to keep it together. The split healed well.

The plant kept on growing and thriving but stayed rather small. I moved her to a larger container again. The stem and branches grew firm and woody yet no splitting of branches occured.

At the end of August, she had some 50 cm and 13 branches, the leaves were rather thin and small buds started forming. She finished in early October - yellowing leaves, most pistils turned brown, ripe smell and quite sticky.

Guerilla Grow 2018

Seed popped in mid-April. The seed took longer to pop than others and the initial development of the seedling was average to poor, then she caught on. Five weeks from germination, the plant had 5 nodes and grew well. Six weeks from germination, I planted her in a pre-prepared hole in my guerilla garden (fertilized with composted manure, worm castings and added some dolomitic lime for good measure). Towards the end of June, the plant had about 140 cm and about 12 nodes (with a split at the 8th node, probably due to weather or deer damage). The plant had 3 main branches and appeared healthy. The following two months of extreme drought and high temperatures, along with deer messing up the patch, did not do her any good. Towards the end of August, the plant visibly suffered from drought, lost most of her fan leaves and the development of the plant was stunted - the main stem rather thin, the crown underdeveloped and thin, with only a few miniature buds at the ends of branches. Lower branches were dry altogehter.

In the second half of September, I found the plant with the stem broken in the split - yet it managed to survive and finish completely as the outer bark was still there. The harvest was meager, however most of the buds were in good condition and only a few had dry mold (the dry weather continued and the branches were supported by the undergrowth around the plant).
(01.10.2018, 20:57)

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