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Amnesi-K (Kannabia Seeds) :: Recension de la Variété :: Indoor :: No.02406352231089256 by Jubei

Profil d'Plante Amnesi-K (de Kannabia Seeds)

Cette Profil d'Plante est une expression individuelle par , transféré à la 26.10.2017.

Informations sur la croissance des plantes:

Floraison d'intérieur
Entre 63 et 67 jours (en moyenne: 65 jours.)
Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±200 pour cent
Introduction de la floraison d'environ 40 cm. - Hauteur final sur environ 120 cm.
Comportement de croissance
De pousses latérales
beaucoup; longueur moyenne à longue ainsi que dessus de la moyenne forte.
Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain... besoin pas de beaucoup de soins.
...sont tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation. besoin pas de beaucoup d'engrais. sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques. sont pas sensibles à la moisissure.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Sativa.
...ont besoin de beaucoup de place vers le haut.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants.
...répondent bien à la habillage de la tige principale.

De récolte, Rendement, Le goût, L'arôme, force et l'efficacité

Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette souche est moyenne.
Le ratio de fleurs aux feuilles est super.
La structure des fleurs
Les fleurs séchées sont dur et compact.
Puissance / Effet durable
La Marihuana affecte fou forte et très longue durée.
Construit tolérance
très lente tolérance éducation.

Impression Générale

Amnesi-K (Kannabia Seeds)

est tous ensemble assez bonne variété
(En moyenne 7 points sur une échelle entre 0 et 10 !)

Information Additionnelle

Jubei estime

This review is based on my experience with a single plant that came from a tester seed so it might not necessarily reflect the actual potential of this strain! In fact, chances are that my plant is pretty different from what you can expect, since it doesn’t match with the breeders description at all…


Beautiful plant that surprises with a very strong structure and thick, dark green leaves. When grown in soil it doesn’t need much care, neither in veg, nor in flower, but don’t let her get too big before switching – she’s a stretchy bitch!

Trichome development starts early on and heavily affects the bigger top leaves as well.

Although she’s one of the frostiest plants I’ve ever seen, the buds stay comparatively small, so if you’re on the look-out for a cash-cropping strain, this one might not be for you (although the bag-appeal of the dried buds is jaw-dropping: super tight, stacked calyxes that tend to ‘shatter’ like they were made of fine glass…)

The dried buds ain’t specifically smelly, but they give away a very complex and gentle aroma of pepper, tobacco, hash, sandal wood, fruit tea and tiny bit of blood orange – not very strong, but extremely nice!

The taste kind of fits the smell: It’s not very pronounced, but what you taste is very, very nice, yet hard to describe. It’s definitely somewhat ‘sandy’, spicey, hashy and slightly fruity.

As the frost suggest, Amnesi-K is a VERY potent strain that kicks in immediately. The high is very powerful and cerebral at first, almost mind bending! After about 15 minutes in, it also starts to affect the body in very relaxed way. No racyness or paranoia on it’s own, but I wouldn’t recommend it being used in public. The best part, however, is that although you’re completely baked, you can focus extremely well. This really sets her apart from other plants! She’s my go-to strain if I like to be high, but also want to read. Everyone loves her for that.

So, overall, I’d give her a solid 8/10. Points are deducted for the small yield and the improvable intensity of her aroma and taste. But otherwise she’s definitely gold!
(26.10.2017, 14:03)

Images ci-joint

Imagen de Jubei [Amnesi-K] Imagen de Jubei [Amnesi-K]