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bigger and better photo-uploads!

Post made at Wednesday 6th of March 2019 05:29:12 PM by SeedFinder
posted in SeedFinder's News/Info
Tags: seedfinder, gallery, upload, pictures

...we've updated the SeedFinder strain-picture-gallery-upload a bit today! Now you can upload much bigger photos - and you also can turn them around if they are not directly shown in the right direction ... Also the upload is more easy now, specially at mobile devices! ...yeah, check it out and upload your pictures to the strains - pictures say more than 1000 words and are always a big help for the others!! The link to do so you will find in the left menu at every strain-description page!


Updates, updates and more updates

Post made at Monday 18th of October 2010 12:52:47 AM by SeedFinder
posted in SeedFinder's News/Info
Tags: plantprofiles, reviews, pictures, upload

Much has changed in the recent months, but sorry, i was too lazy to post all the small changings here ;) But I would like to emphasize an important change with the image-upload and the review-function:

1.: Now you can upload much larger pictures than before, the maximum height or width is 3000 px.
2.: The images can now be associated with a strain-review!

If you have already uploaded pictures and profiles to a variety, please click on the edit-link below your image and connect it to the right review. This will allow better filter-options, users can go directly from the image description page to the appropriate extra information - and we can show the right images below the respective strain-reviews.


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