Base de données
Roadrunner #2

Roadrunner #2

élevé par Dinafem

Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations sur Roadrunner #2 de Dinafem. Si vous recherchez des informations sur Roadrunner #2 de Dinafem, consultez L'Info Principale, Galerie ou Lignée / Généalogie sur cette variété de cannabis ici sur cette page, et suivez les liens pour obtenir encore plus d'informations - ou répertoriez toutes les Variétés de Roadrunner (2) pour trouver une version différente. Si vous avez des expériences personnelles avec la culture ou la consommation de cette variété de cannabis, veuillez utiliser les liens de téléchargement pour les télécharger dans la base de données!

Informations de l'éleveur

Roadrunner #2 est une variété à floraison automatique ruderalis/indica/sativa de et peut être cultivée en l'intérieur et l'extérieur, où les plantes femelles à autofloraison ont besoin ±70 jours du semis à la récolte. Graines de Roadrunner #2 de Dinafem est une variété à dominante THC et sont / étaient uniquement disponibles en versions féminisées.

Description de Dinafem Roadrunner #2

Dinafem Roadrunner #2 Dinafem Roadrunner#2 is following the steps of our first automatic, maintaining some of the characteristics of the original strain of Roadrunner,- its speed and stability- but adding new aromatic tones, more vigorous growth and a reinforced relaxing, psychoactive effect. This improves the original strain, making it yield a more vigorous harvest, improving flower and resin production and providing a more intense, sweet taste of Indica with a lemony hint of fruit.

Dinafem Roadrunner#2 is more vigorous, growing more and therefore producing more than the previous version; it needs slightly longer to terminate than the original, about 70 days, not too much if we consider the larger flowers and impressive production of resin that is characteristic of this automatic strain. The genetic origins of Dinafem Roadrunner#2 are based on our Roadrunner, which was repeatedly crossed with a very special stock of Joint Doctor’s Diesel Ryder, an automatic variety that we selected thanks to its taste and its productivity. This stock consisted of a specially selected group of what we considered the best male and female samples of this variety. The best male sample in the group was then chosen for breeding and the result is a magnificent hybrid, vigorous and aromatic with an intense fruity taste.

Planting Dinafem Roadruner#2 is recommended from 1 to 15 April in the Mediterranean regions and 1 to 15 May in the Atlantic area. In the north of Europe, it is better to wait until 1 to 15 of June. In all cases, harvesting will be ready in 70 days from date of planting.

As with any other automatic, optimum conditions are required for a correct development to its maximum power. 20 hours of light are needed for a maximum speedy growth, both indoor and outdoor, so a quicker growth is obtained in June than in April or August. A large quantity of substrate is also recommended from the first moment, 4 litres of soil minimum and up to 20 litres -the more the better, as the roots will grow without restrictions. Hydroponic cultivation is also quicker and produces larger plants with a smaller amount of substrate. An excess of water to the roots will seriously affect the plant, especially when they are still small, so good substrate drainage is essential, and watering must be limited when plants are placed in soil. The strength of this variety is quite good, enough for mild consumption for relaxing, as the psychoactive effect is compensated with a physical relaxation. The effect it produces is therefore a physical and cerebral mixture. Automatic plants tend to produce an elevated amount of CBD which soften the effects of the THC and increase the feeling of relaxation. A large percentage of cannabis cultivators like to relax after work, they are mild consumers and do not need intense psychoactivity. They prefer a relaxing effect, a good flavour, and moderate productivity. Roadrunner#2 tastes great, it has the right amount of strength and is very easy to cultivate in a balcony or terrace in the summer months, even in cold or mountainous areas.

Flowering at 20 hours: 65-75
Outdoor harvests: from April to October
THC: Medium. (6% - 12%)
CBD: High
Yield: from 20 to 50 gr
Height: In soil from 25 to 80cm. In hydroculture: up to 90-100 cm
Composition: Ruderalis 25% Indica 55% Sativa 20%
Genotype: (Lowrider#1 x Dinafem #1) x Diesel Ryder

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Galerie de Roadrunner #2

Ici vous voyez les dernières photos de Roadrunner #2, téléchargées de nos utilisateurs. Nous avons collecté au total 2 photos de la Roadrunner #2 de Dinafem - découvrez notre Galerie de Roadrunner #2 pour les voir toutes.

Roadrunner #2 Lignée / Génétique

Carte de l'Arbre Généalogique de Roadrunner #2

Voir à tous les parents de Roadrunner #2 dans notre carte dynamique

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Recension de Variété

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