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Clone Only
Golden Goat
Pic #24...00

Seedfinders Galerie des Variétés

Golden Goat (Clone Only)

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Clone Only Strains Golden Goat Photo Info

12 days into flower with a 30 day veg. They were transplanted to the 5gl buckets 2 days ago so growth has slowed a little bit, but i imagine it will pick back up in a day or so. They are a really tall plant so if you have limited space i would definately LST her. The pic is all natural growth, no bending or tieing of anything. With comparing to some short flowers i have in the tent im guessing she will be a 10 week flower. Still in the middle of the stretch phase of 12/12 so like i said if limited space LST or veg for 2 weeks max.

Clone Only Strains Golden Goat

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