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Spliff Seeds
Gold Rush Outdoor
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Gold Rush Outdoor (Spliff Seeds) :: Recension de la Variété :: Outdoor

Profil d'Plante Gold Rush Outdoor (de Spliff Seeds)

Cette Profil d'Plante a été générée sur 3 profils unique, notamment grâce à la: ficky, lufthegreenstuf et DerKommissar

Informations sur la croissance des plantes:

Récolte d'extérieur
Fin de Octobre +/- 3 Semaines dans les climats CmShα à l'hémisphère nord.
Zones climatiques selon la classification de SeedFinder avec les données de 1986 à 2009.
Comportement de croissance
Comme un arbre de Noël
De pousses latérales
anombre moyen; long ainsi que dessus de la moyenne forte.
Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...besoin d'espace et ne devraient pas être placés ensemble. besoin pas de beaucoup de soins. sont pas tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation. sont pas exposées à des maladies fongiques. sont pas sensibles à la moisissure.
...sont tolérants à l'égard des fluctuations de température.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures basses.
...n'ont pas de problèmes avec des températures élevées.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Sativa.
...ont besoin de beaucoup de place vers le haut.
...sont un bon choix pour les débutants.
...sont un bon choix pour la culture commerciale.
...devraient être soutenus dans la période de floraison.
...répondent bien à la habillage de la tige principale.

De récolte, Rendement, Le goût, L'arôme, force et l'efficacité

Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette souche est haut.
Le ratio de fleurs aux feuilles est plus de la moyenne.
La structure des fleurs
Les fleurs séchées sont dur et compact.
Puissance / Effet durable
La Marihuana affecte forte et de longue durée.
Construit tolérance
lente tolérance éducation.

Impression Générale

Gold Rush Outdoor (Spliff Seeds)

est tous ensemble extrêmement bon et très recommandable
(En moyenne 9 points sur une échelle entre 0 et 10 !)

Information Additionnelle

ficky estime

Gold Rush Outdoor … :) The name sounds promising - And so she is. This strain really delivers fast. I sowed her alongside Fast Bud Outdoor around half March. She began growing furiously after just a few weeks, developing into a massive plant (approx. 200cm) with a ton of branches. All that in just a 15 liter container! Flowering around the end of June, beginning of July, right through till the end of August. The buds of this plant are incredibly thick, rock solid and sticky with some serious THC levels. This strain does need quite a lot of minerals and fertilizer. During the last 4 weeks I nearly gave her double the amount than I would feed other strains. Needless to say, the yield of this plant is well above average. Approx. 500 grams (dried and cured) per plant.

The aroma of the flowers is a little sweet, pungent, earthy and spicy with a hint of cinnamon and vanilla. Smoking this bebe is a treat on it’s own. Very smooth and tasty with a light head high. Not stoned, just a nice and relaxing high. Gold Rush is an easy to grow strain which I recommend for the beginner as well as the experienced grower. (09.10.2012, 13:30)

lufthegreenstuf estime

first of, i must say that the comment from DerKommissar is spot on

these plants get very tall, real fast. if you don't take out the main stem, the plant becomes huge, like 3 - 4 meter.

if you take good care of them they can yield a max of 400 gram, but must of my plant had between 300 - 350 grams.

gold rush is not really susceptible to mold, but some of the pheno's have a purple/grey colour wich makes it very difficult to identify budmold. if you know your stuff you can find the mold, but if you are an amateur you might miss it. the bud don't mold very easily though. untill the 6th week of flowering they are pretty much carefree. the only thing they really need is enough additional support, because of the long branches. most of the plants have green bud, wich get a little bit of purple in the last weeks of flowering. these are still passable as normal green weed. maybe 1 or 2 out of 20 seeds will turn totally purple, including the total darkpurple colour and smell.

10% - 15% of the pheno's will not be compact pheno's. these pheno's also get mold real easy. the other pheno's are nicely compact and pretty strong against mold. i think it's a pretty good commercial strain because of the speed you can harvest these plants. the buds are very long en compact, so you don't have a lot of trimming to do. small leaves can be pulled of easily and fast.

gives a real good yield against the time it takes to harvest them. also a real good bud for machine trimming.

latitude 51°

2014, harvest last week of september

2015, harvest 1th - 2th week of october

2016, harvest 2th - 3th week of october

smell is a little bit like a diesel, but more in a fruity way. also a little bit of a sweet and earthy tones, but fruit is the best word to discribe it. it's a nice daytime smoke wich gives you a nice uplifting feeling. more high than couchlock.

makes you want to do stuff. if you smoke enough you can get pretty stoned, especially if you consider it as an outdoor weed. i made a lot of believers, when the saw the outdoorbud these plants can produce!

if you google me name, you can find all of my growing reports.


lufthegreenstuf (13.03.2017, 19:59)

DerKommissar estime

Edit Outdoor 2014 & 2015:

Hallo, Frohe Weihnachten, guten Rutsch!

Diese Sorte kann ich für outdoors empfehlen.

Hatte 5 fem. Samen (2014) bzw 10 Samen (2015), alle sind gekeimt. Pflanzen können riesig werden - über 3m ist kein Problem. Keine Zwitter, Krüppel, Nachzügler o.Ä.

Wachsen eher wie Sativas mit langen Internodien und schmalen Blattfingern, aber blühen eher wie Indicas dick und vor allem kompakt. (2015 weniger kompakt)

Die Wirkung ist sehr gut. Hab schon einiges draußen gehabt (Early Skunk, HH, Early Girl, Passion#1, Durban x Skunk...) aber keins der Gräser konnte mit diesem mithalten!

Es wirkt erhebend, euphorisierend, aphrodisierend aber macht auch gut stoned wenn man öfter an der Tüte zieht. :-)

Geruch/Geschmack ist süß/blumig/erdig. Vanille kann man mit etwas Fantasie sicherlich herausriechen.

Zwei Dinge am Steckbrief meines Vorredners ficky haben mir nicht so gut gefallen:

1. 500g pro Pflanze halt ich für übertrieben. 100 - 200g sind mMn realistischer.

2. Blüte- und Erntezeitpunkt: Am 52° in Westdeutschland muss man mind. 4 Wochen draufrechnen!

Blütebeginn war in meinem Fall, 2014: Anf./Mitte August. (2015: Ende Aug./Anf. Sep.)

Ernte 2014: Anfang Oktober. (Ernte 2015: Mitte/Ende Oktober)

2015 waren also sativalastigere Pflanzen, vor allem was die Blüte betrifft.

Schimmelbefall 〈 5%

Cheers! (25.12.2015, 17:27)

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