Base de données
Dr. Krippling
Buzz Light Gear
à l'intérieur
par l'utilisateur

Buzz Light Gear (Dr. Krippling Seeds) :: Recension de la Variété :: Indoor :: No.66073557133900478 by BigNose

Profil d'Plante Buzz Light Gear (de Dr. Krippling Seeds)

Cette Profil d'Plante est une expression individuelle par , transféré à la 14.03.2017.

Informations sur la croissance des plantes:

Floraison d'intérieur
Entre 70 et 84 jours (en moyenne: 77 jours.)
Allongement après introduction de la floraison
±275 pour cent
Introduction de la floraison d'environ 40 cm. - Hauteur final sur environ 150 cm.
Comportement de croissance
De pousses latérales
anombre moyen; court à moyen long ainsi que mince et maigre.
Les plantes de ce Cannabis-Strain...
...besoin d'espace et ne devraient pas être placés ensemble.
...a besoin de beaucoup de soins. sont pas tolérantes à la sur- ou sous-fertilisation.
...sont sensibles à la moisissure.
...grandissent et ressemble plus à un Indica.

De récolte, Rendement, Le goût, L'arôme, force et l'efficacité

Rendement / Quantité
La récolte de cette souche est légèrement en dessous de la moyenne.
Le ratio de fleurs aux feuilles est mauvais.
La structure des fleurs
Les fleurs séchées sont moyenne compacte.

Impression Générale

Buzz Light Gear (Dr. Krippling Seeds)

est tous ensemble il ya beaucoup plus de variétés
(En moyenne 3 points sur une échelle entre 0 et 10 !)

Information Additionnelle

BigNose estime

I chose this strain (despite it's silly name) because it's parents are among 2 of my favourite strains of all time. It also got two 10/10 reviews on this site. It was grown alongside Connoisseur Genetetics 'SSSDH' and 'The 90s Haze and throughout veg, the Buzz Light Gear (BLG) performed very well and looked to be the best of the entire grow.

However, in the last few weeks of flower, all 5 BLG got very leafy and bushy and developed weak and limp branches and became very difficult to maintain. I also had damp and mould issues across all of my BLG plants but had NONE of these issues with the other 2 strains. The end result was a very average yield of bland smelling and tasting (actually had a rather odd taste across all of them) with no hint of Amnesia or Kali Mist there at all in taste or effect.

I had similar issues with another strain called PPPO from KFC (Dr Krippling's sister company), which is also a very disappointing, hermie prone, damp/mouldy Kali Mist cross and as a result will not be growing anything from KFC or Dr Krippling again.

In my experience, this strain does not deliver any of the expectations or descriptions from the breeder. I do not believe the the 10/10 reviews on this site are genuine based on my results, which is why I felt the need to share my experience. The only plus point to this strain was that they were all very uniform to grow and all produced a similar end product, just not a good one I'm afraid.
(14.03.2017, 15:23)