Base de données
Rebellion Seeds

Rebellion Seeds

Rebellion Seeds @ Base de données des éleveurs

Ici vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations sur l'éleveur de cannabis Rebellion Seeds. Nous avons collecté des informations sur 8 Variétés de Cannabis de race par Rebellion Seeds. Cliquez sur les noms pour trouver plus d'informations, photos, critiques, comparaisons et sources pour une variété - et / ou consultez les Informations sur les Éleveurs ici sur la page pour en savoir plus sur Rebellion Seeds. Il est également possible de visualiser toutes les variétés de Rebellion Seeds avec tous leurs parents ou hybrides avec nos cartes dynamiques - jetez-y un coup d'oeil!

8 Variétés de Cannabis


More info about this breeder:

The Rebellion started of as just that a Rebellion against low qaulity over priced cannabis. I started collecting and playing with genetics in the summer of 1998. Everybody in my area was smoking mostly brick bud full of seeds and the little bit of good green sensimilia that would come around was rare and expensive. I started keeping every seed I found and asking old timers and anybody else I could for seeds. I realized early on that from a few could come many and there was no need to smoke low grade seed weed. I had good luck with those first beans and still have lines from them. I've always had a passion for seed collecting and have spent alot of time researching and collecting lines from many different breeders and private sources near and far.